PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONOriginal Dior saddle bag Replica Dior female bag 2019 new handbag Saddle Bag large saddle bag haze blue Haze blue large Saddle Bag in many saddle bags This SaddleBag is the most restored saddle So the bag is very special, and it is very recognizable. The back and the body are particularly eye-catching. The biggest The highlight is that the metal decoration on the bag body is not only the initial letter D hung on the bag cover The connection between the bag body and the handle is also an old CD typeface very delicate p>The oblique style of the old flower has been the hottest in the past two years It is different from the previous medieval version Fashion but maintains a retro sense of age p>The calfskin version is still advanced, the leather is smooth and eye-catching With a variety of retro straps, don CUSTOMERS ALSO PURCHASED |